Fontys ICT Internship


Now that your internship is coming closer, your orientation and also your choices are becoming more serious. Off course, you have already chosen a profile and a specialisation, but now, you will start to more and more define and choose your path towards entering the professional field.

The main question here is "What kind of IT professional do I want to be?" Now that's a big one, and maybe a tough one at this time. Luckily you don't have to answer it at once. You can break that down to a few less bigger questions and start with focussing on semester 5: Internship. Preparing your internship leads to questions such as: "What type of organization would I want to be in? and "Which subjects within IT would I prefer to work on?". And more.

This Canvas course is the starting point for this internship preparation and it functions as a guide throughout your orientation, personal profiling and assignment acquisition.

To Internship Preparation & Job Orientation (Canvas)

Internship approval

Before the internship status “GO” is given by the exam board you must have accumulated 90 EC’s.
On the image below you'll find the most common scenarios how to get to semester 5.

Click the image to enlarge in a new window

Semester Guide

For more and detailed information for this semester, click on the link below:

Semester 5 - Internship